The Love Me or Die

5 σχόλια:

ο δείμος του πολίτη είπε...


δημήτρης είπε...

live and remember.

Thomas Bussiere είπε...

Greek Marathon would be an awesome event to run. Someday I would like to do this.
Hope all is well with you.

Νimertis είπε...

Πολύ ωραίο! Την καλησπέρα μου...

Alex είπε...

Δήμο, είναι όντως πολύ όμορφο τραγούδι!

Δημήτρη , live and live and live !

nimerti,χαρά μου που περνάς!

Thomas , if you're planninig to join the anual Athens Marathon , you better do it this year , its a beautiful experience!I tend to run it (I hope everything will be fine with my back untill then !)